I'm from Colorado (whoop whoop!) and most Coloradans fly out of the Denver airport, even though there is a airport in Colorado Spring (where I'm from). I'm used to only having one airport, so moving to NYC for college where there are 3 nearby airports has been a change.
I was headed to California to visit family, and I had just assumed I was flying out of La Guardia Airport instead of the John F. Kennedy airport. Part of this mistake came from the fact that I had only flown in and out of La Guardia when coming and going from Colorado. So, I didn't even think to check my plane ticket (worse decision ever!)
Well, I ran to a cab with my two bags and told the driver to get me to La Guardia as fast as he could. I managed to get there in about 35 min rather than the usual 45 mins. It still wasn't enough time, because the other part of this story is that I had left my apartment later than I should have. That afternoon my roommate asked if I needed to leave, but I assured her that I had traveled enough in my life and I knew when to leave (ahhhh....how my pride was my downfall!).

By the time I was checking in, I was told I would need to go to their customer service desk. I went to their desk begging for their help at this point, but they sent me to the back of the line. So by the time I did make it to the front, they said they couldn't check in any more bags, and since I had two bags I couldn't store them overhead.
So I was placed on the standby list for the next flight out to California, which was only a couple hours later. I thankfully got on to that flight, and my family and friends have never let this story go. Whenever I travel, I am still teasingly told to check which airport I'm flying out of.
I definitely was humbled by this experience and relearned vital airport tips:
1. Get to the airport with plenty of time to spare (about 2 hours) cause you never know what will happen (i.e. long security lines).
2. Pack light (if I had only brought 1 bag, they would've let me on).
3. Check your flight details way 24 hours ahead of time.
4. Be assertive because no one will know you're late or having trouble unless you say something from the start.
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